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Your Church needs  Friends !

The Church in all our lives


Many people have precious memories of Boughton’s two churches. Treasured places for Christian worship, they have for centuries had a special role at important times in our lives.
People have gathered here to worship, to celebrate joyful events and to find comfort and peace in times of sadness. They are there for everybody. Generations of local families are remembered in the large churchyard at the Parish Church, and all enjoy its tranquillity.
And lively St Barnabas Church, at the heart of the village, plays its part as a Parish Centre, and as a venue for all kinds of community activities.

The Church Today


Today, the churches are as relevant as they were when they were first built. In normal times, services are held every Sunday, with special services take place at Christmas, Easter, Harvest and Remembrance Day. There is an active church life catering for all age groups. The well established activities for families at St Barnabas, run jointly with our sister churches of Hernhill and Graveney, encourages families to become part of the wider church family.

The churches are principally places of worship, but are also where people meet and share events and friendships together.










Please help look after these places, by becoming a Friend of Boughton Church and Churchyard.


As always, the future care of the church buildings and churchyard depends on the goodwill and generosity of people like you who care about Boughton Church and would like to see it continue.


The Friends organisation exists to support the maintenance of the two churches, and has provided support for major restoration projects.


Friends’ funds are not used for general housekeeping costs, such as heating, lighting, costs of services etc. These are borne by the Parochial Church Council. Friends help to ensure that the fabric of the churches is preserved for future generations, and that they are available to everyone for worship and family occasions such as baptisms, weddings and funerals.


Anyone, from anywhere, of any faith or none, can be a Friend, regardless of whether they are, or are not, a member of the church.


Simply either pick u[ a leaflet at the church or print off and return the form below, by post or e-mail,


You can help ensure that you and future generations may also enjoy the peace and beauty of these very special places.

Please become a Friend of Boughton Church

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Churches for the Future


Each generation has extended, altered and improved the buildings, respecting their beauty and their heritage while keeping them up to date.

Both Churches have seen major investment over the last decade, including installation of disabled toilets, a welcome area at the Parish Church, rebuild of both organs and new heating boilers, as well as important repairs to stonework and roofs.

St Barnabas saw significant improvements, with new disabled access, toilet and entrance, and an improved kitchen.


Caring for the buildings and the churchyard


A Grade 1 listed medieval building such as the Parish Church  of  St Peter and St Paul requires regular maintenance to overcome the effects of time and the elements, as does the 100 year old St Barnabas

Detailed structural inspections are made every five years to show where work needs to be carried out to keep them in good heart so that future generations can enjoy them too. There is always work to be done

and money to be found.

Maintenance of the large churchyard, and of the machinery needed for it, is also a particular and expensive challenge .

Giving something back


All who worship here care for these beautiful old buildings and everyone tries to give something back.

We invite you to join the Friends of Boughton Church and Churchyard,

to help us in this precious task, and keep you in touch with events in the churches.




Forename(s) .............................................  Surname ............................................

............................................................................................... Home address .................................................................................... .................................................................................................................. ....................................................... Post Code ....................................

Telephone ............................................................................................

Please find enclosed cheque* as follows: Friends’ minimum annual subscription: £30.00

Other donation £ ................. TOTAL £...................


*Please make payable to Boughton with Dunkirk PCC

*If you prefer to give by annual or monthly Standing Order, please contact the Secretary as shown below or

If you pay tax, please fill in the declaration below so that the church may claim Gift Aid of 25p in the £ at no extra cost to you.


Canterbury Diocesan Board of Finance       GIFT AID DECLARATION

Donations to Parish of Boughton with Dunkirk: Code: OSBOF

Forename(s)................................................... Surname........................................................

Home address as detailed above Date.............................................................................................

I would like the above to recover income tax on this Gift/All donations from this tax year onward/and for the previous four tax years (please delete parts that don’t apply). I confirm that the Income/Capital Gains tax I pay in each tax year will equal the tax reclaimed on all my donations to every charity I support during that year. I will inform you if my tax position changes.


Please return to:

Alison Smith  (Secretary of the Friends of Boughton Church)

Nightingale Cottage, Rhode Common, Selling,Kent ME139PU

or email to 


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